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TIG Welding Solutions
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Examples of TIG welding solutions

fig 1, welding development to join OFHC copper to Stainless steel, achieving a hermetic seal vacuum tested to better than 1.0 x10-9 Mbar, using the Autogenous TIG welding method.

fig 2, welding development to join a molybdenum holder and tungsten wire coil. This assembly was joined using automated pulsed TIG weld.


figs 3 & 4, pulse welding of OFHC copper, achieving a hermetic seal vacuum tested to better than 1.0 x10-9 Mbar, using the Autogenous TIG welding method.


fig 5, welding development using orbital TIG welding of low gas pure nickel tube of approximately 10 mm in diameter, achieving a full penetration weld of 1.2 mm with minimal distortion over a length of approximately 300 mm of the assembly.


figs 6 & 7, TIG welding of stainless steel 316LN flange to 316L tube, inside argon chamber complete with vertical lathe and O2 sensor controlling the welding environment to around 7 to 20 ppm of oxygen. Results showed extremely high quality welds with zero porosity, and fine grain growth.


figs 8 & 9, edge welded monel bellows achieving a hermetic seal vacuum tested to better than 1.0 x10-9 Mbar, edge welded metal bellows consist of convolutions formed by welding individually stamped annular diaphragms (thin circular metal disks) at both inner and outer edges. Pairs of diaphragms are first welded together at their internal diameters. A quantity of these metal pairs is then assembled on a mandrel to be welded on the outer diameter to create a bellows assembly. The formed shape of the bellows diaphragm is known as “Nesting". This pertains to how the male and female diaphragms fit as they come into contact. Nesting is critical to minimize stress, yield a constant spring rate and a stable effective diameter throughout stroke, and allow for a good joint fit-up for welding.

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